Average usage of a plastic bag is less than 30 minutes and its lifespan can be about 1000 years.
[Read more...]Smartphones & e-waste. In 2007 Apple introduced its first iphone, since then over 7 billion smartphones have been sold all over the world. This number is almost equal to number of people on our planet. The average smartphone life cycle is now less than two years. The moment you get a new 2-years contract from your mobile operator you can forget about the old phone. Most of the used smartphones and other electronic devices simply dumped in the landfills. It feels like modern electronics were designed to be thrown out every year. Recent statistics estimates that nearly 44.7Mt of e-waste was generated in 2016 and only 20% of it were properly recycled.
[Read more...]In the late 40’s of the last century Japanese industrial engineer Taiichi Ohno developed and implemented in Toyota Plant principles of what later has become Lean Manufacturing system. In simple words Lean Manufacturing is a systematic method of excluding all unnecessary activities and wastes from production process, which are not adding values to the final product.
[Read more...]A self-driving car (also called an autonomous or a driverless car) is a computer-controlled vehicle that uses a multiple sensors, cameras, radars to travel between destinations without a human input.
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